Michael P. Fay
Author of 14 CRAN packages
Impressive! Michael P. Fay has worked on 14 packages, showing some serious commitment to the craft. Michael P. Fay has joined forces with over 10 authors, making it a true team effort. Imagine all those brainstorming sessions—must've been epic!
14 Packages
- MChtestMonte Carlo Hypothesis Tests with Sequential Stopping
- ashtApplied Statistical Hypothesis Tests
- binseqtestExact Binary Sequential Designs and Analysis
- bpcpBeta Product Confidence Procedure for Right Censored Data
- choplumpPermutation Test for Some Positive and Many Zero Responses
- epitoolsEpidemiology Tools
- exact2x2Exact Tests and Confidence Intervals for 2x2 Tables
- exactciExact P-Values and Matching Confidence Intervals for Simple Discrete Parametric Cases
- hbimHill/Bliss Independence Model for Combination Vaccines
- intervalWeighted Logrank Tests and NPMLE for Interval Censored Data
- nivmNoninferiority Tests with Variable Margins
- oceCensOrdered Composite Endpoints with Censoring
- sawsSmall-Sample Adjustments for Wald Tests Using Sandwich Estimators
- ssanvSample Size Adjusted for Nonadherence or Variability of Input Parameters