Andreas Geyer-Schulz
Author of 11 CRAN packages
Andreas Geyer-Schulz has 11 packages under their belt. That's not just dedication, it's a passion for coding! One collaborator: Fabian Ball. Andreas Geyer-Schulz knows how to pick the right partner to get the job done!
11 Packages
- partitionComparisonImplements Measures for the Comparison of Two Partitions
- xegaExtended Evolutionary and Genetic Algorithms
- xegaBNFCompile a Backus-Naur Form Specification into an R Grammar Object
- xegaDerivationTreesGenerating and Manipulating Derivation Trees
- xegaDfGeneGene Operations for Real-Coded Genes
- xegaGaGeneBinary Gene Operations for Genetic Algorithms
- xegaGeGeneGrammatical Evolution
- xegaGpGeneGenetic Operations for Grammar-Based Genetic Programming
- xegaPermGeneOperations on Permutation Genes
- xegaPopulationGenetic Population Level Functions
- xegaSelectGeneSelection of Genes and Gene Representation Independent Functions