Antonio Punzo
Author of 7 CRAN packages
Antonio Punzo has worked on 7 packages so far. That's a lot of coding! Clearly, Antonio Punzo is on a mission. Antonio Punzo teamed up with 11 others, making it a large and lively crew of coders. The synergy must have been amazing!
7 Packages
- ContaminatedMixtClustering and Classification with the Contaminated Normal
- FourWayHMMParsimonious Hidden Markov Models for Four-Way Data
- KernSmoothIRTNonparametric Item Response Theory
- MSclustMultiple-Scaled Clustering
- MatrixMixturesModel-Based Clustering via Matrix-Variate Mixture Models
- SenTinMixtParsimonious Mixtures of MSEN and MTIN Distributions
- leptokurticMixtureImplements Parsimonious Finite Mixtures of Multivariate Elliptical Leptokurtic-Normals