Author of 15 CRAN packages
CNRS has worked on 15 packages so far. Wow, CNRS is really cranking out the code—this is dedication on another level! CNRS worked with over 99 collaborators. That's a huge group of developers—almost like a coding festival!
15 Packages
- aionArchaeological Time Series
- alkahestPre-Processing XY Data from Experimental Methods
- arkheTools for Cleaning Rectangular Data
- dimensioMultivariate Data Analysis
- folioDatasets for Teaching Archaeology and Paleontology
- gammaDose Rate Estimation from in-Situ Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Measurements
- isopleurosTernary Plots
- kairosAnalysis of Chronological Patterns from Archaeological Count Data
- khromaColour Schemes for Scientific Data Visualization
- networkABCNetwork Reverse Engineering with Approximate Bayesian Computation
- nexusSourcing Archaeological Materials by Chemical Composition
- r2sundialsWrapper for 'SUNDIALS' Solving ODE and Sensitivity Problem
- rmumpsWrapper for MUMPS Library
- tabulaAnalysis and Visualization of Archaeological Count Data
- tesselleEasily Install and Load 'tesselle' Packages
- Joe Roe
- Brice Lebrun
- Nicolas Frerebeau
- Université Bordeaux Montaigne
- Jean-Baptiste Fourvel
- Sebastian Kreutzer
- Archéosciences Bordeaux
- Guilhem Paradol
- Magali Rizza
- Christelle Lahaye
- LabEx Sciences archéologiques de Bordeaux
- Idex Aix-Marseille
- Anne Philippe
- Ben Marwick
- Vincent Arel-Bundock
- Ulrik Stervbo
- Frederic Bertrand
- Myriam Maumy-Bertrand
- Nicolas Jung
- Khadija Musayeva
- Université de Strasbourg
- Arthur Leck
- Serguei Sokol
- Lawrence Livermore National Security
- Southern Methodist University
- Peter N. Brown
- Alan C. Hindmarsh
- Carol S. Woodward
- Daniel R. Reynolds
- David J. Gardner
- Cody J. Balos
- Radu Serban
- Scott D. Cohen
- George Byrne
- Allan G. Taylor
- Steven L. Lee
- Keith E. Grant
- Aaron Collier
- Lawrence E. Banks
- Steve Smith
- Cosmin Petra
- Slaven Peles
- John Loffeld
- Dan Shumaker
- Ulrike Yang
- James Almgren-Bell
- Shelby L. Lockhart
- Hilari C. Tiedeman
- Ting Yan
- Jean M. Sexton
- Chris White
- George Karypis
- Makoto Matsumoto
- Takuji Nishimura
- Timothy A. Davis
- Richard Stallman
- Free Software Foundation, Inc
- Alexander Chemeris
- Emmanuel Agullo
- Patrick Amestoy
- Maurice Bremond
- Alfredo Buttari
- Philippe Combes
- Marie Durand
- Aurelia Fevre
- Abdou Guermouche
- Guillaume Joslin
- Jacko Koster
- Jean-Yves L'Excellent
- Stephane Pralet
- Chiara Puglisi
- Francois-Henry Rouet
- Wissam Sid-Lakhdar
- Tzvetomila Slavova
- Bora Ucar
- Clement Weisbecker
- Juergen Schulze
- Douglas C. Schmidt
- Isamu Hasegawa
- Francois Pellegrini
- David Goudin
- Pascal Henon
- Pierre Ramet
- Sebastien Fourestier
- Jun-Ho Her
- Cedric Chevalier
- Iain S. Duff
- John K. Reid
- Samuel Thibault
- ENS Lyon
- INP Toulouse
- University of Bordeaux
- Regents of the University of Minnesota
- Universite de Bordeaux
- Matthew Peeples