Carson Sievert
Author of 24 CRAN packages
Carson Sievert has been on fire, working on 24 packages to date. Honestly, does Carson Sievert even sleep? This is some serious dedication! Carson Sievert worked with over 145 collaborators. That's a huge group of developers—almost like a coding festival!
24 Packages
- LDAvisInteractive Visualization of Topic Models
- XML2REasier XML Data Collection
- animint2Animated Interactive Grammar of Graphics
- bsiconsEasily Work with 'Bootstrap' Icons
- bslibCustom 'Bootstrap' 'Sass' Themes for 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown'
- cowsayMessages, Warnings, Strings with Ascii Animals
- crosstalkInter-Widget Interactivity for HTML Widgets
- etlExtract-Transform-Load Framework for Medium Data
- flexdashboardR Markdown Format for Flexible Dashboards
- histosliderA Histogram Slider Input for 'Shiny'
- htmltoolsTools for HTML
- htmlwidgetsHTML Widgets for R
- jquerylibObtain 'jQuery' as an HTML Dependency Object
- plotdapEasily Visualize Data from 'ERDDAP' Servers via the 'rerddap' Package
- plotlyCreate Interactive Web Graphics via 'plotly.js'
- plotlyGeoAssetsRender 'Plotly' Maps without an Internet Connection
- reprSerializable Representations
- rmarkdownDynamic Documents for R
- sassSyntactically Awesome Style Sheets ('Sass')
- servrA Simple HTTP Server to Serve Static Files or Dynamic Documents
- shinyWeb Application Framework for R
- shinymetaExport Domain Logic from Shiny using Meta-Programming
- shinyvalidateInput Validation for Shiny Apps
- thematicUnified and Automatic 'Theming' of 'ggplot2', 'lattice', and 'base' R Graphics
- Kenny Shirley
- Martin Maechler
- Winston Chang
- Hadley Wickham
- Toby Hocking
- Jun Cai
- RStudio
- Biplab Sutradhar
- Nicholas Lewin-Koh
- Randall Prium
- Susan VanderPlas
- Kevin Ferris
- Faizan Khan
- Vivek Kumar
- Himanshu Singh
- Yufan Fei
- Jocelyne Chen
- Siddhesh Deodhar
- Posit Software, PBC
- Mark Otto
- Joe Cheng
- Garrick Aden-Buie
- Bootstrap contributors
- Twitter, Inc
- Javi Aguilar
- Thomas Park
- PayPal
- Guangchuang Yu
- Rich FitzJohn
- Karl Broman
- Andy Teucher
- Scott Chamberlain
- Amanda Dobbyn
- Philipp Boersch-Supan
- Tyler Rinker
- Lucy D'Agostino McGowan
- Thomas Leeper
- Andreas Brandmaier
- Noam Ross
- Kiyoko Gotanda
- Franz-Sebastian Krah
- Marion Louveaux
- Brian Reavis
- jQuery Foundation
- jQuery contributors
- Jacob Thornton
- Kristopher Michael Kowal
- es5-shim contributors
- Denis Ineshin
- Sami Samhuri
- Benjamin S. Baumer
- Natalia Iannucci
- Richard Iannone
- Ryan Hafen
- Bob Rudis
- Joshua Kunst
- JJ Allaire
- Dmitry Baranovskiy
- Bryan Lewis
- Barbara Borges
- Keen IO
- Abdullah Almsaeed
- Jonas Mosbech
- Noel Bossart
- Lea Verou
- Sencha Labs
- Bojan Djuricic
- Tomas Sardyha
- Samuel Hogg
- Barret Schloerke
- Yihui Xie
- Jeff Allen
- Ellis Hughes
- Kenton Russell
- Ramnath Vaidyanathan
- Roy Mendelssohn
- Karthik Ram
- Salim Brüggemann
- Chris Parmer
- Marianne Corvellec
- Pedro Despouy
- Plotly Technologies Inc.
- Philipp Angerer
- Jim Hester
- Thomas Kluyver
- Jan Schulz
- abielr
- Denilson Figueiredo de Sa
- karldw
- Dave Foster
- Rob Hyndman
- Kevin Ushey
- Atsushi Yasumoto
- Ruben Arslan
- Christophe Dervieux
- Malcolm Barrett
- Aron Atkins
- Frederik Aust
- JooYoung Seo
- Javier Luraschi
- Romain Lesur
- Sergio Oller
- John MacFarlane
- Ivan Sagalaev
- Roy Storey
- Dave Gandy
- jQuery UI contributors
- Google, Inc.
- Jonathan McPherson
- Andrew Dunning
- Devon Ryan
- Alexander Farkas
- Scott Jehl
- Greg Franko
- Dave Raggett
- W3C
- Ben Sperry
- Drifty
- Aidan Lister
- Benct Philip Jonsson
- Albert Krewinkel
- Timothy Mastny
- Sass Open Source Foundation
- Greter Marcel
- Mifsud Michael
- Hampton Catlin
- Natalie Weizenbaum
- Chris Eppstein
- Adams Joseph
- Trifunovic Nemanja
- Jesse Anderson
- Dennis Lembree
- R Core Team
- John Fraser
- Andrew Rowls
- Salmen Bejaoui
- SpryMedia Limited
- Cathy O'Connor
- John Gruber
- Srinivasu Chakravarthula
- Prem Nawaz Khan
- Alan Dipert
- Stefan Petre
- PayPal, Inc
- Victor Tsaran