Duncan Temple Lang
Author of 13 CRAN packages
Duncan Temple Lang has 13 packages under their belt. That's not just dedication, it's a passion for coding! Duncan Temple Lang teamed up with 160 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
13 Packages
- CodeDependsAnalysis of R Code for Reproducible Research and Code Comprehension
- DescToolsTools for Descriptive Statistics
- RCurlGeneral Network (HTTP/FTP/...) Client Interface for R
- RJSONIOSerialize R Objects to JSON, JavaScript Object Notation
- ROAuthR Interface For OAuth
- XMLTools for Parsing and Generating XML Within R and S-Plus
- excel.linkConvenient Data Exchange with Microsoft Excel
- jsonliteA Simple and Robust JSON Parser and Generator for R
- nimbleMCMC, Particle Filtering, and Programmable Hierarchical Modeling
- pakAnother Approach to Package Installation
- rfishbaseR Interface to 'FishBase'
- rneosXML-RPC Interface to NEOS
- treebaseDiscovery, Access and Manipulation of 'TreeBASE' Phylogenies
- Gabriel Becker
- Roger Peng
- Deborah Nolan
- Achim Zeileis
- Torsten Hothorn
- Max Kuhn
- Karline Soetaert
- Dirk Eddelbuettel
- Hong Ooi
- Klaus Nordhausen
- Martin Maechler
- Luis Torgo
- Daniel Wollschlaeger
- Andri Signorell
- John Verzani
- Stefan Wellek
- Derek Ogle
- Michael Friendly
- Bill Venables
- Matthias Kohl
- Arni Magnusson
- Christopher Jackson
- Nicholas Cooper
- Stephane Champely
- Alec Stephenson
- Detlew Labes
- Ralph Scherer
- Ben Bolker
- John Fox
- Romain Francois
- Joseph Wood
- Kevin Ushey
- Hadley Wickham
- David Meyer
- Joshua Ulrich
- Greg Snow
- Thomas Yee
- Matthias Templ
- Tony Plate
- Hans W. Borchers
- Sandrine Pavoine
- Ken Aho
- Nick Parsons
- Terry Therneau
- Danielle Navarro
- Andreas Alfons
- Venkatraman E. Seshan
- Jim Lemon
- Tal Galili
- Ralf Stubner
- Mark Stevenson
- Adrian Baddeley
- Gregory R. Warnes
- Michael Dewey
- Matthias Gamer
- Claus Ekstrom
- Yulia R. Gel
- Tyler Rinker
- Martin Elff
- Werner A. Stahel
- William Revelle
- Frederico Caeiro
- Alina Matei
- Mikko Korpela
- Vilmantas Gegzna
- Giovanni Millo
- Jeff Enos
- Ben Mainwaring
- George Marsaglia
- Nanina Anderegg
- Tomas Aragon
- Chandima Arachchige
- Antti Arppe
- Kamil Barton
- Daniel Chessel
- Leanne Chhay
- Clint Cummins
- Harold C. Doran
- Stephane Dray
- Charles Dupont
- Richard W. Farebrother
- Joseph L. Gastwirth
- Sereina Graber
- Juergen Gross
- Gabor Grothendieck
- Frank E. Harrell Jr
- Richard Heiberger
- Michael Hoehle
- Christian W. Hoffmann
- Soeren Hojsgaard
- Markus Huerzeler
- Wallace W. Hui
- Pete Hurd
- Rob J. Hyndman
- Friederich Leisch
- Dong Li
- Daniel Malter
- John Marsaglia
- Weiwen Miao
- Yongyi Min
- David Mitchell
- Cyril Flurin Moser
- Franziska Mueller
- Markus Naepflin
- Henric Nilsson
- Luke Prendergast
- Roland Rapold
- Brian D. Ripley
- Caroline Rodriguez
- Nathan Russell
- Nick Sabbe
- Michael Smithson
- Yves Tille
- Adrian Trapletti
- Jeremy VanDerWal
- Pablo J. Villacorta Iglesias
- Rand R. Wilcox
- Peter Wolf
- Ying Wu
- CRAN Team [ctb, cre] (de facto maintainer since 2013)
- CRAN Team [ctb, cre] (de facto maintainer since 2014)
- Jonathan Wallace [aut] (aka ninja9578, author of included libjson sources)
- Jeff Gentry
- Tomas Kalibera [ctb]
- Gregory Demin
- Jeroen Ooms
- Lloyd Hilaiel
- Daniel Turek
- Christopher Paciorek
- Perry de Valpine
- Wei Zhang
- Sally Paganin
- Nick Michaud
- Cliff Anderson-Bergman
- Fritz Obermeyer
- Claudia Wehrhahn Cortes
- Abel Rodríguez
- Joshua Hug
- Paul van Dam-Bates
- Jagadish Babu
- Lauren Ponisio
- Peter Sujan
- Winston Chang
- Gábor Csárdi
- Jim Hester
- Maëlle Salmon
- R Consortium
- Posit Software, PBC
- Rich Geldreich
- Jay Loden
- Dave Daeschler
- Giampaolo Rodola
- Ascent Digital Services
- Michel Berkelaar and lpSolve authors
- Kuba Podgórski
- Carl Boettiger
- Scott Chamberlain
- Kevin Cazelles
- Peter Wainwright
- Bernhard Pfaff