Edgar Ruiz
Author of 15 CRAN packages
Edgar Ruiz has 15 packages under their belt. That's not just dedication, it's a passion for coding! Edgar Ruiz has collaborated with a whopping 26 other authors. It's basically a small army of coders! Who knew package development could be such a social event?
15 Packages
- chattrInteract with Large Language Models in 'RStudio'
- connectionsIntegrates with the 'RStudio' Connections Pane and 'pins'
- datosTraduce al Español Varios Conjuntos de Datos de Práctica
- dbplotSimplifies Plotting Data Inside Databases
- dbplyrA 'dplyr' Back End for Databases
- mallRun Multiple Large Language Model Predictions Against a Table, or Vectors
- modeldbFits Models Inside the Database
- probablyTools for Post-Processing Predicted Values
- pysparklyrProvides a 'PySpark' Back-End for the 'sparklyr' Package
- rscontractGeneric implementation of the 'RStudio' connections contract
- sparklyr.flintSparklyr Extension for 'Flint'
- sparklyrR Interface to Apache Spark
- sparkwarcLoad WARC Files into Apache Spark
- sparkxgbInterface for 'XGBoost' on 'Apache Spark'
- tidypredictRun Predictions Inside the Database
- Posit Software, PBC
- Mauricio Vargas
- Riva Quiroga
- Mauro Lepore
- Joshua Kunst
- Rayna Harris
- Daniela Vasquez
- Hadley Wickham
- Maximilian Girlich
- Max Kuhn
- Davis Vaughan
- Nathan Stephens
- Yitao Li
- Kevin Ushey
- Kevin Kuo
- Jozef Hajnala
- JJ Allaire
- Wil Davis
- Samuel Macedo
- RStudio
- The Apache Software Foundation
- Javier Luraschi
- Hossein Falaki
- Lu Wang
- Andy Zhang
- Maciej Szymkiewicz