Felix Pape
Author of 6 CRAN packages
Felix Pape has been quite busy, working on 6 packages. You could say Felix Pape is on a coding spree! Keep up the great work! Felix Pape teamed up with 24 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
6 Packages
- DataVisualizationsVisualizations of High-Dimensional Data
- FCPSFundamental Clustering Problems Suite
- GeneralizedUmatrixCredible Visualization for Two-Dimensional Projections of Data
- ProjectionBasedClusteringProjection Based Clustering
- ScatterDensityDensity Estimation and Visualization of 2D Scatter Plots
- UmatrixVisualization of Structures in High-Dimensional Data
- Michael Thrun
- Dirk Eddelbuettel
- Craig Varrichio
- Quirin Stier
- Alfred Ultsch
- Onno Hansen-Goos
- Luca Brinkmann
- Hamza Tayyab
- Vasyl Pihur
- Somnath Datta
- Peter Nahrgang
- Guy Brock
- Susmita Datta
- Luis Winckelmann
- Tim Schreier
- Luis Winckelman
- Florian Lerch
- Brinkmann Luca
- Kristian Nybo
- Jarkko Venna
- van der Maaten Laurens
- Luca Brinkman
- Jorn Lotsch
- Raphael Paebst