Frank Konietschke
Author of 7 CRAN packages
With 7 packages completed, Frank Konietschke is proving to be quite the prolific developer. Keep it up! Frank Konietschke and 18 other talented individuals worked together, forming a powerhouse of developers. That's some serious talent!
7 Packages
- GFDTests for General Factorial Designs
- MANOVA.RMResampling-Based Analysis of Multivariate Data and Repeated Measures Designs
- mutossUnified Multiple Testing Procedures
- mutossGUIA Graphical User Interface for the MuToss Project
- nparLDNonparametric Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Factorial Experiments
- nparcompMultiple Comparisons and Simultaneous Confidence Intervals
- rankFDRank-Based Tests for General Factorial Designs
- Sarah Friedrich
- Markus Pauly
- Marc Ditzhaus
- Philipp Steinhauer
- Kornelius Rohmeyer
- Marsel Scheer
- Jonathan Rosenblatt
- MuToss Coding Team (Berlin 2010)
- Gilles Blanchard
- Thorsten Dickhaus
- Niklas Hack
- Wiebke Werft
- Kimihiro Noguchi
- Yulia R. Gel
- Mahbub Latif
- Karthinathan Thangavelu
- Edgar Brunner
- Kerstin Rubarth