Gabor Csardi
Author of 15 CRAN packages
Gabor Csardi has worked on 15 packages so far. Wow, Gabor Csardi is really cranking out the code—this is dedication on another level! Gabor Csardi teamed up with 61 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
15 Packages
- cyclocompCyclomatic Complexity of R Code
- francDetect the Language of Text
- getPassMasked User Input
- git2rProvides Access to Git Repositories
- goodpracticeAdvice on R Package Building
- igraphdataA Collection of Network Data Sets for the 'igraph' Package
- isa2The Iterative Signature Algorithm
- logmultLog-Multiplicative Models, Including Association Models
- praisePraise Users
- prettyunitsPretty, Human Readable Formatting of Quantities
- rappdirsApplication Directories: Determine Where to Save Data, Caches, and Logs
- rematchMatch Regular Expressions with a Nicer 'API'
- rgl3D Visualization Using OpenGL
- simplegraphSimple Graph Data Types and Basic Algorithms
- tracerSlick Call Stacks
- Titus Wormer
- Maciej Ceglowski
- Jacob R. Rideout
- Kent S. Johnson
- Wei-Chen Chen
- Rich FitzJohn
- Drew Schmidt
- Peter Carbonetto
- Stefan Widgren
- Gregory Jefferis
- John Blischak
- Jeroen Ooms
- Jennifer Bryan
- Scott Chamberlain
- Jim Hester
- Thomas Rosendal
- Karthik Ram
- Fabian Scheipl
- Owen Jones
- Mark Padgham
- Hannah Frick
- Karina Marks
- Ascent Digital Services UK Limited
- Daniel de Bortoli
- Hannah Alexander
- Ana Simmons
- Heather Turner
- Michael Friendly
- Milan Bouchet-Valat
- Jim Lemon
- Sindre Sorhus
- Bill Denney
- Christophe Regouby
- Hadley Wickham
- RStudio
- Trevor Davis
- Sridhar Ratnakumar
- Trent Mick
- ActiveState
- Eddy Petrisor
- Dirk Eddelbuettel
- Simon Urbanek
- Yohann Demont
- Albrecht Gebhardt
- Ben Bolker
- Duncan Murdoch
- Ivan Krylov
- Joshua Ulrich
- Michael Sumner
- Oleg Nenadic
- Jonathon Love
- The R Core Team
- Daniel Adler
- Ming Chen
- Adam Strzelecki
- Alexander Senger
- The authors of Shiny
- The authors of knitr
- Xavier Fernandez i Marin
- George Helffrich
- Mike Stein