Hana Sevcikova
Author of 17 CRAN packages
Hana Sevcikova has put out 17 packages—clearly, they're unstoppable. Keep those packages coming! Hana Sevcikova worked with over 26 collaborators. That's a huge group of developers—almost like a coding festival!
17 Packages
- BMABayesian Model Averaging
- LifeTablesTwo-Parameter HMD Model Life Table System
- MortCastEstimation and Projection of Age-Specific Mortality Rates
- bayesLifeBayesian Projection of Life Expectancy
- bayesMigBayesian Projection of Migration
- bayesPopProbabilistic Population Projection
- bayesTFRBayesian Fertility Projection
- dmaDynamic Model Averaging
- fractaldimEstimation of Fractal Dimensions
- mlogitBMABayesian Model Averaging for Multinomial Logit Models
- rlecuyerR Interface to RNG with Multiple Streams
- snowFTFault Tolerant Simple Network of Workstations
- voteElection Vote Counting
- wpp2008World Population Prospects 2008
- wpp2010World Population Prospects 2010
- wpp2012World Population Prospects 2012
- wppExplorerExplorer of World Population Prospects
- Adrian Raftery
- Jennifer Hoeting
- Chris Volinsky
- Ian Painter
- Ka Yee Yeung
- David J. Sharrow
- Nan Li
- Patrick Gerland
- Jennifer Chunn
- Jon Azose
- Thomas Buettner
- Bailey Fosdick
- Leontine Alkema
- Peiran Liu
- Sevvandi Kandanaarachchi
- Tyler H. McCormick
- David Madigan
- Tilmann Gneiting
- Don Percival
- Pierre L'Ecuyer
- Tony Rossini
- A. J. Rossini
- Bernard Silverman
- Kirill Andreev
- Danan Gu
- Thomas Spoorenberg