Jacob Kaplan
Author of 7 CRAN packages
With 7 packages completed, Jacob Kaplan is proving to be quite the prolific developer. Keep it up! Jacob Kaplan has collaborated with 1 other author: Benjamin Schlegel. Just the two of them, like a dynamic duo, making magic happen!
7 Packages
- UCR.ColumnNamesFixes Column Names for Uniform Crime Report "Offenses Known and Clearance by Arrest" Datasets
- asciiSetupReaderReads Fixed-Width ASCII Data Files (.txt or .dat) that Have Accompanying Setup Files (.sps or .sas)
- caesarEncrypts and Decrypts Strings
- crimeutilsA Comprehensive Set of Functions to Clean, Analyze, and Present Crime Data
- fastDummiesFast Creation of Dummy (Binary) Columns and Rows from Categorical Variables
- meditationsPrints a Random Quote from Marcus Aurelius' Book Meditations
- predictracePredict the Race and Gender of a Given Name Using Census and Social Security Administration Data