Jacob van Etten
Author of 8 CRAN packages
Jacob van Etten has worked on 8 packages so far. That's a lot of coding! Clearly, Jacob van Etten is on a mission. Jacob van Etten has collaborated with a whopping 45 other authors. It's basically a small army of coders! Who knew package development could be such a social event?
8 Packages
- ClimMobToolsAPI Client for the 'ClimMob' Platform
- PlackettLucePlackett-Luce Models for Rankings
- ag5ToolsToolbox for Downloading and Extracting Copernicus AgERA5 Data
- chirpsAPI Client for CHIRPS and CHIRTS
- climatrendsClimate Variability Indices for Ecological Modelling
- gdistanceDistances and Routes on Geographical Grids
- gossetTools for Data Analysis in Experimental Agriculture
- rasterGeographic Data Analysis and Modeling
- Kauê de Sousa
- Brandon Madriz
- Heather Turner
- Ioannis Kosmidis
- David Firth
- David Brown
- Kaue de Sousa
- Sytze de Bruin
- Adam H. Sparks
- Aniruddha Ghosh
- Pete Peterson
- William Ashmall
- Svein Ø. Solberg
- Andrew Marx
- Joost van Heerwaarden
- Jonathan Steinke
- Joe Cheng
- Bill Venables
- Robert J. Hijmans
- Michael Sumner
- Jakub Nowosad
- Roger Bivand
- Babak Naimi
- Barry Rowlingson
- Edzer Pebesma
- Matteo Mattiuzzi
- Oscar Perpinan Lamigueiro
- Paul Hiemstra
- Charles Karney
- Lorenzo Busetto
- Dan Baston
- Andrew Bevan
- Mort Canty
- Ben Fasoli
- David Forrest
- Duncan Golicher
- Josh Gray
- Jonathan A. Greenberg
- Kassel Hingee
- Alex Ilich
- Institute for Mathematics Applied Geosciences
- Steven Mosher
- Etienne B. Racine
- Ashton Shortridge
- Rafael Wueest