Lampros Mouselimis
Author of 20 CRAN packages
With 20 packages completed, Lampros Mouselimis is showing some serious coding chops. The future looks bright! Lampros Mouselimis worked with over 37 collaborators. That's a huge group of developers—almost like a coding festival!
20 Packages
- ClusterRGaussian Mixture Models, K-Means, Mini-Batch-Kmeans, K-Medoids and Affinity Propagation Clustering
- CopernicusDEMCopernicus Digital Elevation Models
- GeoMongoGeospatial Queries Using 'PyMongo'
- IceSat2RICESat-2 Altimeter Data using R
- KernelKnnKernel k Nearest Neighbors
- OpenImageRAn Image Processing Toolkit
- PlanetNICFIProcessing of the 'Planet NICFI' Satellite Imagery
- RGFRegularized Greedy Forest
- SuperpixelImageSegmentationSuperpixel Image Segmentation
- VMDMLVariational Mode Decomposition Based Machine Learning Models
- VMDecompVariational Mode Decomposition
- elmNNRcppThe Extreme Learning Machine Algorithm
- fastGLCM'GLCM' Texture Features
- fastTextEfficient Learning of Word Representations and Sentence Classification
- fitbitViz'Fitbit' Visualizations
- fmfFast Class Noise Detector with Multi-Factor-Based Learning
- fuzzywuzzyRFuzzy String Matching
- geojsonRA GeoJson Processing Toolkit
- nmslibRNon Metric Space (Approximate) Library
- textTinyRText Processing for Small or Big Data Files
- Vitalie Spinu
- Ryan Curtin
- Conrad Sanderson
- Siddharth Agrawal
- Brendan Frey
- Delbert Dueck
- Matthew Parks
- Sight Machine
- Johannes Buchner
- Mohammad Haghighat
- Radhakrishna Achanta
- Oleh Onyshchak
- Planet Labs Inc
- Ryosuke Fukatani
- Nikita Titov
- Tong Zhang
- Rie Johnson
- Achal Lama
- Pankaj Das
- Girish Kumar Jha
- Tauqueer Ahmad
- Dominique Zosso
- Konstantin Dragomiretskiy
- Edwin de Jonge
- Alberto Gosso
- Takahiro Toizumi
- Facebook Inc
- Wanwan Zheng
- Mingzhe Jin
- SeatGeek Inc
- Dropbox Inc
- B. Naidan
- L. Boytsov
- Yu. Malkov
- B. Frederickson
- D. Novak