Laurent Berge
Author of 10 CRAN packages
With 10 packages completed, Laurent Berge is proving to be quite the prolific developer. Keep it up! Laurent Berge collaborated with 15 other developers. That's like an entire class of coding geniuses coming together!
10 Packages
- FENmlmFixed Effects Nonlinear Maximum Likelihood Models
- HDclassifHigh Dimensional Supervised Classification and Clustering
- collapseAdvanced and Fast Data Transformation
- did2sTwo-Stage Difference-in-Differences Following Gardner (2021)
- dreamerrError Handling Made Easy
- fixestFast Fixed-Effects Estimations
- fplotAutomatic Distribution Graphs Using Formulas
- ggfixestDedicated 'ggplot2' Methods for 'fixest' Objects
- hddEasy Manipulation of Out of Memory Data Sets
- indexthisQuick Indexation