Marc A. Suchard
Author of 8 CRAN packages
Marc A. Suchard has worked on 8 packages so far. That's a lot of coding! Clearly, Marc A. Suchard is on a mission. Marc A. Suchard teamed up with 28 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
8 Packages
- AndromedaAsynchronous Disk-Based Representation of Massive Data
- BeastJarJAR Dependency for MCMC Using 'BEAST'
- BrokenAdaptiveRidgeBroken Adaptive Ridge Regression with Cyclops
- CyclopsCyclic Coordinate Descent for Logistic, Poisson and Survival Analysis
- EvidenceSynthesisSynthesizing Causal Evidence in a Distributed Research Network
- IterativeHardThresholdingIterative Hard Thresholding Extensions to Cyclops
- MultiBDMultivariate Birth-Death Processes
- RcppXsimdXsimd C++ Header-Only Library Files
- Martijn Schuemie
- Adam Black
- Observational Health Data Science and Informatics
- Egill Fridgeirsson
- Andrew Rambaut
- Alexei J. Drummond
- Eric Kawaguchi
- Ning Li
- Gang Li
- Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
- R Development Core Team
- Yuxi Tian
- Martijn J. Schuemie
- Marcus Geelnard
- Trevor R. Shaddox
- Sushil Mittal
- Rutgers University
- Jianxiao Yang
- Fan Bu
- Patrick Ryan
- Lam S.T. Ho
- Forrest W. Crawford
- Jason Xu
- Vladimir N. Minin
- Andrew J. Holbrook
- Johan Mabille
- Sylvain Corlay
- Alexander J. Lee