Mikkel Meyer Andersen
Author of 9 CRAN packages
With 9 packages completed, Mikkel Meyer Andersen is proving to be quite the prolific developer. Keep it up! Collaborating with 10 other authors, Mikkel Meyer Andersen experienced the power of teamwork. The more, the merrier—especially in coding!
9 Packages
- DNAtoolsTools for Analysing Forensic Genetic DNA Data
- RyacasR Interface to the 'Yacas' Computer Algebra System
- Ryacas0Legacy 'Ryacas' (Interface to 'Yacas' Computer Algebra System)
- caracasComputer Algebra
- disclapDiscrete Laplace Exponential Family
- disclapmixDiscrete Laplace Mixture Inference using the EM Algorithm
- fwsimFisher-Wright Population Simulation
- malanMAle Lineage ANalysis
- roxytestVarious Tests with 'roxygen2'