Author of 5 CRAN packages
Five packages done, and Paul is proving to be a force to be reckoned with. Paul teamed up with 50 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
5 Packages
- GWmodelGeographically-Weighted Models
- VARtestsTests for Error Autocorrelation, ARCH Errors, and Cointegration in Vector Autoregressive Models
- fCopulaeRmetrics - Bivariate Dependence Structures with Copulae
- fNonlinearRmetrics - Nonlinear and Chaotic Time Series Modelling
- rkafkajarsExternal Jars Required for Package 'rkafka'
- Binbin
- Lu[aut
- Harris[aut
- Martin
- Charlton[aut
- Chris
- Brunsdon[aut
- Tomoki
- Nakaya[aut
- Daisuke
- Murakami[aut]
- Isabella
- Gollini[ctb
- Yigong
- Hu[ctb
- Fiona H
- Evans[ctb
- Markus Belfrage
- cre]
- Catani
- ctb]
- Niklas
- Ahlgren
- Diethelm Wuertz
- aut]
- Tobias
- Setz
- Yohan
- Chalabi
- Smith
- Shruti Gupta
- Coda Hale
- Yammer
- Inc.[ctb
- cph]
- Sun
- Microsystems
- Marc
- Prud'hommeaux[ctb
- Holser[ctb]
- Junit[ctb
- The
- Apache Software Foundation
- Stefan
- Groschupf[ctb
- Taro
- L.Saito[ctb]
- Typesafe