Pedro J. Aphalo
Author of 14 CRAN packages
Pedro J. Aphalo has worked on 14 packages so far. Wow, Pedro J. Aphalo is really cranking out the code—this is dedication on another level! With 19 collaborators, Pedro J. Aphalo was part of a truly massive undertaking. It takes a village to code something great!
14 Packages
- gginnardsExplore the Innards of 'ggplot2' Objects
- ggpmiscMiscellaneous Extensions to 'ggplot2'
- ggppGrammar Extensions to 'ggplot2'
- ggspectraExtensions to 'ggplot2' for Radiation Spectra
- learnrbookDatasets and Code Examples from P. J. Aphalo's "Learn R" Book
- photobiologyPhotobiological Calculations
- photobiologyFiltersSpectral Transmittance and Spectral Reflectance Data
- photobiologyInOutRead Spectral and Logged Data from Foreign Files
- photobiologyLEDsSpectral Data for Light-Emitting-Diodes
- photobiologyLampsSpectral Irradiance Data for Lamps
- photobiologyPlantsPlant Photobiology Related Functions and Data
- photobiologySensorsResponse Data for Light Sensors
- photobiologySunData for Sunlight Spectra
- photobiologyWavebandsWaveband Definitions for UV, VIS, and IR Radiation
- Samer Mouksassi
- Kamil Slowikowski
- Michał Krassowski
- Daniel Sabanés Bové
- Stella Banjo
- Titta K. Kotilainen
- Agnese Fazio
- Glenn Davis
- T. Matthew Robson
- Ricardo Hernández
- Tania de la Rosa
- Riitta Tegelberg
- Andreas Albert
- Midwest Optical Systems, Inc. (MidOpt)
- Shafiuddin Ahmed
- Lasse Ylianttila
- Saara M. Hartiakinen
- Anders Lindfors