Peter Solymos
Author of 24 CRAN packages
Peter Solymos has worked on 24 packages, which is nothing short of amazing. Who needs sleep when you've got code to write? Peter Solymos teamed up with 115 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
24 Packages
- PVAClonePopulation Viability Analysis with Data Cloning
- PublicationBiasSensitivity Analysis for Publication Bias in Meta-Analyses
- ResourceSelectionResource Selection (Probability) Functions for Use-Availability Data
- adegenetExploratory Analysis of Genetic and Genomic Data
- bSimsAgent-Based Bird Point Count Simulator
- dcloneData Cloning and MCMC Tools for Maximum Likelihood Methods
- dcmleHierarchical Models Made Easy with Data Cloning
- depsDependency Management with 'roxygen'-Style Comments
- detectAnalyzing Wildlife Data with Detection Error
- epiRTools for the Analysis of Epidemiological Data
- intrvalRelational Operators for Intervals
- mefaMultivariate Data Handling in Ecology and Biogeography
- mefa4Multivariate Data Handling with S4 Classes and Sparse Matrices
- metabiasMeta-Analysis for Within-Study and/or Across-Study Biases
- multibiasmetaSensitivity Analysis for Multiple Biases in Meta-Analyses
- opticutLikelihood Based Optimal Partitioning and Indicator Species Analysis
- pbapplyAdding Progress Bar to '*apply' Functions
- phackingSensitivity Analysis for p-Hacking in Meta-Analyses
- plotrixVarious Plotting Functions
- rconfigManage R Configuration at the Command Line
- sharxModels and Data Sets for the Study of Species-Area Relationships
- truncnormbayesEstimates Moments for a Truncated Normal Distribution using 'Stan'
- tryrClient/Server Error Handling for HTTP API Frameworks
- veganCommunity Ecology Package
- Khurram Nadeem
- Mika Braginsky
- Tyler J. VanderWeele
- Maya Mathur
- Subhash R. Lele
- Jonah L. Keim
- Federico Calboli
- Anne Cori
- Alexandre Courtiol
- Zhian N. Kamvar
- Klaus Schliep
- Thibaut Jombart
- Brian J. Knaus
- Lindsay V. Clark
- Caitlin Collins
- Roman Lustrik
- Marie-Pauline Beugin
- Vladimir Mikryukov
- Tiago Maié
- Libor Morkovsky
- Ismail Ahmed
- RJ Ewing
- Frédéric Michaud
- Rebecca DeCamp
- Pavel Dimens
- Analythium Solutions Inc.
- Monica Moreno
- Aniko Szabo
- Mark Stevenson
- Kazuki Yoshida
- Sarah Pirikahu
- Evan Sergeant
- Cord Heuer
- Telmo Nunes
- Jonathon Marshall
- Javier Sanchez
- Ron Thornton
- Jeno Reiczigel
- Jim Robison-Cox
- Paola Sebastiani
- Geoff Jones
- Simon Firestone
- Ryan Kyle
- Johann Popp
- Mathew Jay
- Allison Cheung
- Nagendra Singanallur
- Ahmad Rabiee
- Ermias T. Azeria
- Henrik Bengtsson
- Zygmunt Zawadzki
- R Core Team
- Carl Witthoft
- Rolf Turner
- Ulrike Groemping
- Thomas Petzoldt
- Derek Ogle
- Christophe Dutang
- Bill Venables
- Henrik Singmann
- Remko Duursma
- Ben Bolker
- Duncan Murdoch
- Hadley Wickham
- Jim Lemon
- Barry Rowlingson
- Olivier Eterradossi
- Gabor Grothendieck
- Ofir Levy
- Sander Oom
- Eduardo Klein
- Anupam Tyagi
- Michael Toews
- John Kane
- Julian Stander
- Elisa Biancotto
- Robby Engelmann
- Michael Hecker
- Felix Steinbeck
- Hans Borchers
- Ted Toal
- Darshan Baral
- The CRAN Team
- Leon Tran
- Roeland Kindt
- Michael Friendly
- Rich FitzJohn
- Gavin L. Simpson
- Jari Oksanen
- Leo Lahti
- Gustavo Carvalho
- Michael Chirico
- Michael Bedward
- Pierre Legendre
- Daniel Borcard
- Eduard Szoecs
- Brendan Furneaux
- Tyler Smith
- James Weedon
- F. Guillaume Blanchet
- Peter R. Minchin
- R.B. O'Hara
- M. Henry H. Stevens
- Helene Wagner
- Matt Barbour
- Miquel De Caceres
- Sebastien Durand
- Heloisa Beatriz Antoniazi Evangelista
- Geoffrey Hannigan
- Mark O. Hill
- Dan McGlinn
- Marie-Helene Ouellette
- Eduardo Ribeiro Cunha
- Adrian Stier
- Cajo J.F. Ter Braak