Philip Waggoner
Author of 8 CRAN packages
With 8 packages completed, Philip Waggoner is proving to be quite the prolific developer. Keep it up! Philip Waggoner has collaborated with a whopping 24 other authors. It's basically a small army of coders! Who knew package development could be such a social event?
8 Packages
- amerikaAmerican Politics-Inspired Color Palette Generator
- effectsizeIndices of Effect Size
- hdImputeA Batch Process for High Dimensional Imputation
- performanceAssessment of Regression Models Performance
- plotGMMTools for Visualizing Gaussian Mixture Models
- plotmmTidy Tools for Visualizing Mixture Models
- seeModel Visualisation Toolbox for 'easystats' and 'ggplot2'
- insightEasy Access to Model Information for Various Model Objects
- Ken Kelley
- Aaron Caldwell
- David Stanley
- Dominique Makowski
- Brenton M. Wiernik
- Daniel Lüdecke
- Mattan S. Ben-Shachar
- Indrajeet Patil
- Rémi Thériault
- Johannes Karreth
- Jessica Burnett
- Vincent Arel-Bundock
- Etienne Bacher
- Joseph Luchman
- Martin Jullum
- gjo11
- Fong Chan
- Lu Zhang
- Matthew Smith
- Jakob Bossek
- Jeffrey R. Stevens
- Grant McDermott
- Alex Hayes
- Alex Reinhart