Pierre Lafaye De Micheaux
Author of 6 CRAN packages
Pierre Lafaye De Micheaux has worked on 6 packages so far. That's a lot of coding! Clearly, Pierre Lafaye De Micheaux is on a mission. Pierre Lafaye De Micheaux teamed up with 21 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
6 Packages
- ConvergenceConceptsSeeing Convergence Concepts in Action
- ECGofTestDxA Goodness-of-Fit Test for Elliptical Distributions with Diagnostic Capabilities
- HellCorThe Hellinger Correlation
- MixfMRIMixture fMRI Clustering Analysis
- curveDepthTukey Curve Depth and Distance in the Space of Curves
- grocGeneralized Regression on Orthogonal Components
- Benoit Liquet
- Gilles R Ducharme
- Gery Geenens
- Wei-Chen Chen
- Ranjan Maitra
- Dan Nettleton
- Jonathan L Marchini
- Pavlo Mozharovskyi
- Myriam Vimond
- Martin Maechler
- Doug Martin
- Matias Salibian-Barrera
- Kjell Konis
- Ruben Zamar
- Victor Yohai
- Eric Zivot
- Ricardo Maronna
- Alfio Marazzi
- Martin Bilodeau
- Jiahui Wang
- David Rocke