Ravi Varadhan
Author of 19 CRAN packages
Ravi Varadhan has put out 19 packages—clearly, they're unstoppable. Keep those packages coming! Ravi Varadhan has collaborated with a whopping 41 other authors. It's basically a small army of coders! Who knew package development could be such a social event?
19 Packages
- BBSolving and Optimizing Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems
- CRTgeeDRDoubly Robust Inverse Probability Weighted Augmented GEE Estimator
- DSBayesBayesian Subgroup Analysis in Clinical Trials
- SQUAREMSquared Extrapolation Methods for Accelerating EM-Like Monotone Algorithms
- alabamaConstrained Nonlinear Optimization
- anointAnalysis of Interactions
- beanzBayesian Analysis of Heterogeneous Treatment Effect
- condMVNormConditional Multivariate Normal Distribution
- crrstepStepwise Covariate Selection for the Fine & Gray Competing Risks Regression Model
- daaremDamped Anderson Acceleration with Epsilon Monotonicity for Accelerating EM-Like Monotone Algorithms
- dfoptimDerivative-Free Optimization
- featuresFeature Extraction for Discretely-Sampled Functional Data
- minqaDerivative-Free Optimization Algorithms by Quadratic Approximation
- numDerivAccurate Numerical Derivatives
- numOSLNumeric Routines for Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating
- optimxExpanded Replacement and Extension of the 'optim' Function
- resiliencePredictors of Resilience to a Stressor in a Single-Arm Study
- skewlmmScale Mixture of Skew-Normal Linear Mixed Models
- turboEMA Suite of Convergence Acceleration Schemes for EM, MM and Other Fixed-Point Algorithms
- Paul Gilbert
- Marcos Raydan
- JM Martinez
- EG Birgin
- W LaCruz
- Melanie Prague
- Lee McDaniel
- Ming Wang
- Nick Henderson
- Wenliang Yao
- Gabor Grothendieck
- Stephanie Kovalchik
- Leon Wang
- Chenguang Wang
- Trustees of Columbia University
- Deborah Kuk
- Nicholas Henderson
- Hans W. Borchers
- Johns Hopkins University
- ABB Corporate Research
- Vincent Bechard
- HEC Montreal (Montreal University)
- MKG Subramaniam
- Douglas Bates
- Katharine M. Mullen
- John C. Nash
- Jun Peng
- John Burkardt
- Bo Li
- Chunxin Wang
- Jorge More
- Burton Garbow
- Kenneth Hillstrom
- John C Nash
- Jiafeng Zhu
- Katherine A. L. Valeriano
- Victor H. Lachos
- Fernanda L. Schumacher
- Larissa A. Matos
- Jennifer F. Bobb
- Hui Zhao