Sebastian Gatscha
Author of 8 CRAN packages
Sebastian Gatscha has worked on 8 packages so far. That's a lot of coding! Clearly, Sebastian Gatscha is on a mission. Sebastian Gatscha teamed up with 59 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
8 Packages
- coinmarketcaprGet 'Cryptocurrencies' Market Cap Prices from Coin Market Cap
- daterangepickerCreate a Shiny Date-Range Input
- imputeTSTime Series Missing Value Imputation
- leafem'leaflet' Extensions for 'mapview'
- leafglHigh-Performance 'WebGl' Rendering for Package 'leaflet'
- leaflet.extrasExtra Functionality for 'leaflet' Package
- shinyTreejsTree Bindings for Shiny
- vtreeDisplay Information About Nested Subsets of a Data Frame
- AbdulMajedRaja RS
- Earo Wang
- Steffen Moritz
- Ron Hause
- Tim Appelhans
- Miles McBain
- Kenton Russell
- Derek Friend
- Kevin Cazelles
- Christoph Reudenbach
- Jochen Darley
- Daniel Montague
- Lorenzo Busetto
- Luigi Ranghetti
- Björn Harrtell
- Daniel Dufour
- Yeedle Neuwirth
- Colin Fay
- Olivier Roy
- Kent Johnson
- Robert Plummer
- Bangyou Zheng
- Barret Schloerke
- Bhaskar Karambelkar
- Mike Bostock
- Vladimir Agafonkin
- Mapbox
- Robin Cura
- Leaflet
- Markus Voge
- Markus Dumke
- Henry Thasler
- Dennis Wilhelm
- Kirollos Risk
- Tim Wisniewski
- Alexander Milevski
- John Firebaugh
- Stefano Cudini
- Johannes Rudolph
- Per Liedman
- Pavel Shramov
- Filip Zavadil
- CliffCloud
- Ursudio
- Maxime Hadjinlian
- Iván Sánchez Ortega
- Dale Harvey
- Thorn Thaler
- Jeff Allen
- Michael Bell
- Ivan Bozhanov
- Trestle Technology, LLC
- Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire
- The Dojo Foundation
- jQuery Foundation, Inc.
- Mike Schaffer
- Timm Danker
- Nick Barrowman
- Franco Momoli