Stéphane Laurent
Author of 77 CRAN packages
Stéphane Laurent has completed over 77 packages! The dedication here is off the charts—clearly a coding superstar! Stéphane Laurent teamed up with 119 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
77 Packages
- AOV1RInference in the Balanced One-Way ANOVA Model with Random Factor
- Apollonius2D Apollonius Graphs
- CarlsonCarlson Elliptic Integrals and Incomplete Elliptic Integrals
- DTA Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'DataTables'
- DateTimeRangePickerA Datetime Range Picker Widget for Usage in 'Shiny' Applications
- EigenRComplex Matrix Algebra with 'Eigen'
- HypergeoMatHypergeometric Function of a Matrix Argument
- JSconsoleA 'RStudio' Addin to Send 'JavaScript' Code to the 'V8' Console
- NestedMenuA Nested Menu Widget for 'Shiny' Applications
- OwenQOwen Q-Function
- PlaneGeometryPlane Geometry
- RCDTFast 2D Constrained Delaunay Triangulation
- RationalMatrixExact Matrix Algebra for Rational Matrices
- RcppColorsColor Mappings and 'C++' Header Files for Color Conversion
- Rnvd3An Incomplete Wrapper of the 'nvd3' JavaScript Library
- aceEditorThe 'Ace' Editor as a HTML Widget
- amVennDiagram5Interactive Venn Diagrams
- boodistSome Distributions from the 'Boost' Library and More
- braidsThe Braid Groups
- bratteliDeal with Bratteli Graphs
- cTOSTFinite Sample Correction of the Two One-Sided Tests in the Univariate Framework
- cascadeSelectA Cascade Select Input for 'Shiny'
- colorsGenGeneration of Random Colors
- concomConnected Components of an Undirected Graph
- cppcheckRCheck 'C' and 'C++' Files using 'Cppcheck'
- cxhullConvex Hull
- cyclotomicThe Field of Cyclotomic Numbers
- findInFilesFind Pattern in Files
- findInGitFind Pattern in Files of All Branches of a 'git' Repository
- freewallA Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'Freewall'
- gbetaGeneralized Beta and Beta Prime Distributions
- gfiExtremesGeneralized Fiducial Inference for Extremes
- gfiUltraGeneralized Fiducial Inference for Ultrahigh-Dimensional Regression
- giacRInterface to the Computer Algebra System 'Giac'
- gmpolyMultivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients
- graph3dA Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'vis-graph3d'
- gyroHyperbolic Geometry
- html2RConvert 'HTML' to 'R' with a 'Shiny' App
- interpolationInterpolation of Bivariate Functions
- interpolatorsSome Interpolation Methods
- intmapOrdered Containers with Integer Keys
- jackJack, Zonal, Schur, and Other Symmetric Polynomials
- jacobiJacobi Theta Functions and Related Functions
- jsTreeRA Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'jsTree'
- jshintrLint 'JavaScript' Files
- jsonNormalizeNormalization of 'JSON' Strings
- jsonStringsManipulation of JSON Strings
- kableExtraConstruct Complex Table with 'kable' and Pipe Syntax
- kantorovichKantorovich Distance Between Probability Measures
- matrixsamplingSimulations of Matrix Variate Distributions
- monacoThe 'Monaco' Editor as a HTML Widget
- multiActionButtonMulti Action Button for 'Shiny' Applications
- pasteAsComment'RStudio' Addin to Paste the Clipboard as a Comment Block or a 'roxygen' Block
- polyhedralCubatureMultiple Integration over Convex Polyhedra
- prettifyAddins'RStudio' Addins to Prettify 'JavaScript', 'C++', 'Python', and More
- pylintRLint 'Python' Files with a R Command or a 'RStudio' Addin
- qsplinesQuaternions Splines
- qsprayMultivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients
- rAmCharts4Interface to the JavaScript Library 'amCharts 4'
- ratioOfQspraysFractions of Multivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients
- reactCheckboxCheckbox Group Input for 'Shiny'
- resultantUtilities for Multivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients
- shinyChakraSliderCombined Slider and Numeric Input for 'Shiny'
- shinyChakraUIA Wrapper of the 'React' Library 'Chakra UI' for 'Shiny'
- shinyDatetimePickersSome Datetime Pickers for 'Shiny'
- shinyGizmoCustom Components for Shiny Applications
- shinyMergelyCompare and Merge Two Files with a 'Shiny' App
- shinyMonacoEditorThe 'Monaco' Editor in 'Shiny'
- shinySelectA Wrapper of the 'react-select' Library
- shinyToastifyPretty Notifications for 'Shiny'
- shinyXYpadXY Controller for 'Shiny'
- swipeRCarousels using the 'JavaScript' Library 'Swiper'
- symbolicQsprayMultivariate Polynomials with Symbolic Parameters in their Coefficients
- sytYoung Tableaux
- tessellationDelaunay and Voronoï Tessellations
- thorn'HTMLwidgets' Displaying Some 'WebGL' Shaders
- uniformlyUniform Sampling
- Joe Cheng
- Yihui Xie
- Greg Freedman Ellis
- Xianying Tan
- Mikko Marttila
- JJ Allaire
- Alex Pickering
- Andres Quintero
- Maximilian Girlich
- Johannes Rauh
- SpryMedia Limited
- Brian Reavis
- Leon Gersen
- Bartek Szopka
- William Holmes
- Posit Software, PBC
- Wojciech Maj
- Björn Brala
- Artem Amirkhanov
- Scott Spencer
- Novus Partners, Inc.
- Michael Bostock
- jQuery contributors
- James Hrisho
- James Long and contributors
- Zeb Zhao
- Tristan Edwards
- Limon Monte
- amCharts team
- Balazs Komuves
- Dominique-Laurent Couturier
- Stéphane Guerrier
- Younes Boulaguiem
- PrimeTek Informatics
- David Merfield
- Amit Gupta
- luyilin
- The Geometry Center
- C. B. Barber
- Scott N. Walck
- Rob Burns
- Minh Nguyen
- Jan Hannig
- Damian V. Wandler
- Renée De Graeve
- Bernard Parisse
- B. V. Almende
- vis.js contributors
- Chris Andrejewski
- Boniface Pereira
- Mario Heiderich
- Mikael Fremling
- Ivan Bozhanov
- Vedran Opacic
- Avi Deitcher
- Philip Hutchison
- Terence Eden
- Anton Kovalyov
- David Kaye
- Niels Lohmann
- Will Beasley
- Duncan Murdoch
- Vincent Arel-Bundock
- Hao Zhu
- Brian Salzer
- Bill Evans
- Yoni Sidi
- Thomas Travison
- Timothy Tsai
- GuangChuang Yu
- Rob Shepherd
- George Gui
- Yeliang Fan
- Microsoft Corporation
- Rich Harris
- Lionel Tzatzkin
- Andrei Kashcha
- Vitaly Puzrin
- Alex Kocharin
- John Schlinkert
- Kyle Fox
- Sergey Pimenov
- Marijn Haverbeke
- George Leslie-Waksman and other contributors
- Austin Cheney
- Matthias Geier
- Robin Hankin
- Antanas Marcelionis
- Tom Alexander
- Paul Popov
- Segun Adebayo
- Goran Gajic
- Peter Newnham
- RubyLouvre
- Ionic
- Porinn
- Dmitriy Kovalenko
- Krystian Igras
- Adam Foryś
- Craig Dennis
- Daniel Eden
- Jamie Peabody
- Leandro Vital
- Brijesh Brittu
- Adam Schwartz
- David DeSandro
- Mihai Bazon
- Juriy "kangax" Zaytsev
- Rodney Rehm
- Jed Watson
- Clauderic Demers
- Fadi Khadra
- Anthony Terrien
- Vladimir Kharlampidi
- Scott Boyle
- Mathew Groves
- Chad Engler