Thomas Kneib
Author of 7 CRAN packages
With 7 packages completed, Thomas Kneib is proving to be quite the prolific developer. Keep it up! Thomas Kneib worked with over 29 collaborators. That's a huge group of developers—almost like a coding festival!
7 Packages
- BayesXR Utilities Accompanying the Software Package BayesX
- BayesXsrcDistribution of the 'BayesX' C++ Sources
- R2BayesXEstimate Structured Additive Regression Models with 'BayesX'
- TwitmoTwitter Topic Modeling and Visualization for R
- cAIC4Conditional Akaike Information Criterion for 'lme4' and 'nlme'
- expectregExpectile and Quantile Regression
- mboostModel-Based Boosting
- Nikolaus Umlauf
- Daniel Sabanes Bove
- Nadja Klein
- Felix Heinzl
- Andreas Brezger
- Achim Zeileis
- Daniel Adler
- Stefan Lang
- Andreas Buchmueller
- Gillian Kant
- Christoph Weisser
- Benjamin Saefken
- Krisztina Kis-Katos
- David Ruegamer
- Philipp Baumann
- Rene-Marcel Kruse
- Sonja Greven
- Elmar Spiegel
- Paul Eilers
- Fabian Otto-Sobotka
- Sabine Schnabel
- Linda Schulze Waltrup
- Goeran Kauermann
- Torsten Hothorn
- Fabian Scheipl
- Benjamin Hofner
- Matthias Schmid
- Peter Buehlmann
- Andreas Mayr