Tianxi Cai
Author of 9 CRAN packages
With 9 packages completed, Tianxi Cai is proving to be quite the prolific developer. Keep it up! Tianxi Cai has collaborated with 17 other authors. That's a huge network of talent—imagine all those lines of communication and brilliant ideas flying around!
9 Packages
- MAPMultimodal Automated Phenotyping
- OSsurvivalAssessing Surrogacy with a Censored Outcome
- OptimalSurrogateModel Free Approach to Quantifying Surrogacy
- PheCAPHigh-Throughput Phenotyping with EHR using a Common Automated Pipeline
- PheNormUnsupervised Gold-Standard Label Free Phenotyping Algorithm for EHR Data
- SAMGEPA Semi-Supervised Method for Prediction of Phenotype Event Times
- ludicLinkage Using Diagnosis Codes
- sureLDAA Novel Multi-Disease Automated Phenotyping Method for the EHR
- survIDINRIIDI and NRI for Comparing Competing Risk Prediction Models with Censored Survival Data