University of Notre Dame
Author of 1 CRAN package
With 1 package under their belt, University of Notre Dame is just getting started. Great things often have humble beginnings! University of Notre Dame teamed up with 33 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
1 Package
- Tyler Rinker
- Apache Software Foundation
- Unicode, Inc.
- Titus Wormer
- Department of Knowledge Technologies
- John Higgins
- Grady Ward
- Heiko Possel
- Michal Boleslav Mechura
- Bing Liu
- Minqing Hu
- Saif M. Mohammad
- Peter Turney
- Erik Cambria
- Soujanya Poria
- Rajiv Bajpai
- Bjoern Schuller
- SentiWordNet
- Liang Wu
- Fred Morstatter
- Huan Liu
- Grammar Revolution
- Vidar Holen
- Alejandro U. Alvarez
- Stackoverflow User user2592414
- Andrew Kachites McCallum
- Alireza Savand
- Zact Anger
- Colin Martindale
- John Wiseman
- Nadra Pencle
- Irina Malaescu