William Michael Landau
Author of 24 CRAN packages
William Michael Landau has been on fire, working on 24 packages to date. Honestly, does William Michael Landau even sleep? This is some serious dedication! William Michael Landau worked with over 48 collaborators. That's a huge group of developers—almost like a coding festival!
24 Packages
- autometricBackground Resource Logging
- brms.mmrmBayesian MMRMs using 'brms'
- covidmxDescarga y analiza datos de COVID-19 en México
- crew.aws.batchA Crew Launcher Plugin for AWS Batch
- crew.clusterCrew Launcher Plugins for Traditional High-Performance Computing Clusters
- crewA Distributed Worker Launcher Framework
- downsizeA Tool to Downsize Large Analysis Projects for Testing
- drakeA Pipeline Toolkit for Reproducible Computation at Scale
- dreamerDose Response Models for Bayesian Model Averaging
- eplyApply a Function Over Expressions
- gittargetsData Version Control for the Targets Package
- grapesMake Binary Operators
- historicalborrowNon-Longitudinal Bayesian Historical Borrowing Models
- historicalborrowlongLongitudinal Bayesian Historical Borrowing Models
- instantiatePre-Compiled 'CmdStan' Models in R Packages
- jagstargetsTargets for JAGS Pipelines
- profferProfile R Code and Visualize with 'Pprof'
- rfactsR Interface to 'FACTS' on Unix-Like Systems
- storrSimple Key Value Stores
- tarchetypesArchetypes for Targets
- targetsDynamic Function-Oriented 'Make'-Like Declarative Pipelines
- tbootTilted Bootstrap
- txtqA Small Message Queue for Parallel Processes
- wildcardTemplates for Data Frames
- Posit Software, PBC
- Eli Lilly and Company
- Jay Loden
- Dave Daeschler
- Giampaolo Rodola
- Christian Stock
- Kevin Kunzmann
- Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG
- Yoni Sidi
- Alberto Almuiña
- Mikhail Popov
- Jonah Gabry
- Rodrigo Zepeda-Tello
- Andrew Johnson
- Mitzi Morris
- Mauricio Hernandez-Avila
- Rok Češnovar
- Ben Bales
- Mike Lawrence
- Jacob Socolar
- Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social
- Michael Gilbert Levin
- Brendan Furneaux
- Daniel Woodie
- Ben Marwick
- Miles McBain
- Matthew Mark Strasiotto
- Jasper Clarkberg
- Tristan Mahr
- Alex Axthelm
- Ellis Hughes
- Peter Slaughter
- Kirill Müller
- Ben Bond-Lamberty
- Noam Ross
- Richard Daniel Payne
- Mitch Thomann
- David Neuzerling
- Saras Windecker
- Albert Man
- David Lawrence Miller
- Rich FitzJohn
- Rudolf Siegel
- Samantha Oliver
- Mark Edmondson
- Matthew T. Warkentin
- Nathan Morris
- Ian E. Fellows