Yihui Xie
Author of 48 CRAN packages
Yihui Xie has completed over 48 packages! The dedication here is off the charts—clearly a coding superstar! Yihui Xie has collaborated with a whopping 474 other authors. It's basically a small army of coders! Who knew package development could be such a social event?
48 Packages
- BrailleRImproved Access for Blind Users
- DTA Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'DataTables'
- MSGData and Functions for the Book Modern Statistical Graphics
- Rd2roxygenConvert Rd to 'Roxygen' Documentation
- animationA Gallery of Animations in Statistics and Utilities to Create Animations
- blogdownCreate Blogs and Websites with R Markdown
- bookdownAuthoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown
- corrplotVisualization of a Correlation Matrix
- desctableProduce Descriptive and Comparative Tables Easily
- distill'R Markdown' Format for Scientific and Technical Writing
- evaluateParsing and Evaluation Tools that Provide More Details than the Default
- formatRFormat R Code Automatically
- funUse R for Fun
- highrSyntax Highlighting for R Source Code
- htmltoolsTools for HTML
- htmlwidgetsHTML Widgets for R
- imguRAn Imgur.com API Client Package
- installrUsing R to Install Stuff on Windows OS (Such As: R, 'Rtools', 'RStudio', 'Git', and More!)
- kableExtraConstruct Complex Table with 'kable' and Pipe Syntax
- knitrA General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R
- leafletCreate Interactive Web Maps with the JavaScript 'Leaflet' Library
- litedownA Lightweight Version of R Markdown
- markdownRender Markdown with 'commonmark'
- mimeMap Filenames to MIME Types
- pagedownPaginate the HTML Output of R Markdown with CSS for Print
- prettydocCreating Pretty Documents from R Markdown
- printrAutomatically Print R Objects to Appropriate Formats According to the 'knitr' Output Format
- rcoThe R Code Optimizer
- reactableInteractive Data Tables for R
- rhandsontableInterface to the 'Handsontable.js' Library
- rmarkdownDynamic Documents for R
- rolldownR Markdown Output Formats for Storytelling
- rticlesArticle Formats for R Markdown
- servrA Simple HTTP Server to Serve Static Files or Dynamic Documents
- shinyWeb Application Framework for R
- testitA Simple Package for Testing R Packages
- threejsInteractive 3D Scatter Plots, Networks and Globes
- tikzDeviceR Graphics Output in LaTeX Format
- tinytexHelper Functions to Install and Maintain TeX Live, and Compile LaTeX Documents
- tufteTufte's Styles for R Markdown Documents
- vitaeCurriculum Vitae for R Markdown
- webshotTake Screenshots of Web Pages
- widgetframe'Htmlwidgets' in Responsive 'iframes'
- workflowrA Framework for Reproducible and Collaborative Data Science
- xaringanPresentation Ninja
- xfunSupporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'Yihui Xie'
- yamlMethods to Convert R Data to YAML and Back
- paramsSimplify Parameters
- Henrik Bengtsson
- A. Jonathan R. Godfrey
- Paul Murrell
- Duncan Murdoch
- Greg Snow
- Debra Warren
- Donal Fitzpatrick
- James Curtis
- James Thompson
- JooYoung Seo
- Marshall Flax
- Sophie Banks
- Timothy Bilton
- Tony Hirst
- Tsan-Kuang Lee
- Volker Sorge
- Stéphane Laurent
- Joe Cheng
- Greg Freedman Ellis
- Xianying Tan
- Mikko Marttila
- JJ Allaire
- Alex Pickering
- Andres Quintero
- Maximilian Girlich
- Johannes Rauh
- SpryMedia Limited
- Brian Reavis
- Leon Gersen
- Bartek Szopka
- William Holmes
- Posit Software, PBC
- Peng Zhao
- Lijia Yu
- Xiangyun Huang
- Hadley Wickham
- Weicheng Zhu
- Christian Mueller
- Kevin Ushey
- Ian Lyttle
- Brandon Greenwell
- James Balamuta
- Garrick Aden-Buie
- Hiroaki Yutani
- Christophe Dervieux
- Jozef Hajnala
- Eric Nantz
- Maëlle Salmon
- Alison Presmanes Hill
- Amber Thomas
- Beilei Bian
- Brian Barkley
- Deependra Dhakal
- Forest Fang
- Jake Barlow
- Jon Calder
- Juan Manuel Vazquez
- Leonardo Collado-Torres
- Maria Paula Caldas
- Nicolas Roelandt
- Oliver Madsen
- Raniere Silva
- TC Zhang
- Pedro Rafael D. Marinho
- Bastiaan Quast
- Yixuan Qiu
- Dean Attali
- Michal Bojanowski
- Ben Marwick
- Sahir Bhatnagar
- Jennifer Bryan
- Atsushi Yasumoto
- Matthew Lincoln
- Michael Sachs
- Thierry Onkelinx
- Frans van Dunne
- Kim Seonghyun
- Luciano Selzer
- Nathan Werth
- Chester Ismay
- Alessandro Samuel-Rosa
- Jeff Allen
- Albert Kim
- Andrzej Oles
- Aust Frederik
- Clifton Franklund
- Daniel Emaasit
- David Shuman
- Drew Tyre
- Ellis Valentiner
- Jonathan McPhers
- Joyce Robbins
- Junwen Huang
- Kevin Cheung
- Kirill Muller
- Maximilian Held
- Noam Ross
- Peter Hickey
- Romain Lesur
- Shir Dekel
- Steve Simpson
- Vincent Fulco
- Zhuoer Dong
- Zeno Rocha
- MathQuill contributors
- FriendCode Inc
- Taiyun Wei
- Jun Cai
- Viliam Simko
- Michael Levy
- Yan Jin
- Jeff Zemla
- Moritz Freidank
- Tomas Protivinsky
- Maxime Wack
- Adrien Boukobza
- Gábor Csárdi
- Nick Williams
- Google LLC
- Rich Iannone
- Denis Demchenko
- The Polymer Authors
- Michel Lang
- Barret Schloerke
- Jeroen Ooms
- Karolis Koncevičius
- Michael Lawrence
- Thomas Kluyver
- Adam Ryczkowski
- Eugene Ha
- Pavel Krivitsky
- Ed Lee
- Kohske Takahashi
- Christopher Gandrud
- Qiang Li
- Carson Sievert
- Winston Chang
- Ellis Hughes
- Kenton Russell
- Ramnath Vaidyanathan
- Thomas J. Leeper
- Aaron Statham
- Kornelius Rohmeyer
- Boris Hejblum
- Adrian Hordyk
- Michael Friendly
- Tyler Hunt
- Berry Boessenkool
- Dieter Menne
- Tal Galili
- Russ Hyde
- Barry Rowlingson
- G. Grothendieck
- Gerhard Burger
- Arthur Gailes
- Thomas Leeper
- Jonathan Godfrey
- Chan-Yub Park
- Dason
- Felix Schonbrodt
- Heuristic Andrew
- James
- VitoshKa
- Takekatsu Hiramura
- Tom Allard
- ChingChuan Chen
- Jonathan Hill
- Gerhard Nachtmann
- Lyndon D'Arcy
- Will Beasley
- Vincent Arel-Bundock
- Hao Zhu
- Brian Salzer
- Bill Evans
- Yoni Sidi
- Thomas Travison
- Timothy Tsai
- GuangChuang Yu
- Rob Shepherd
- George Gui
- Yeliang Fan
- Sagiru Mati
- Wush Wu
- Frank E Harrell Jr
- Romain Francois
- Karl Forner
- Doug Hemken
- Heewon Jeon
- John Muschelli
- Zhian N. Kamvar
- David Hugh-Jones
- Jonathan Keane
- David Hall
- Aaron Wolen
- Scott Kostyshak
- Joseph Larmarange
- Jonathan Sidi
- Johannes Ranke
- Kaiyin Zhong
- Marius Hofert
- Jim Hester
- Pavel N. Krivitsky
- Julien Barnier
- Pedro Faria
- Michael Chirico
- David Robinson
- Elio Campitelli
- Kamil Slowikowski
- Alex Zvoleff
- Sebastian Meyer
- Jacob Bien
- Bulat Yapparov
- Abhraneel Sarma
- Aron Atkins
- Lorenz Walthert
- Emily Riederer
- Richard Cotton
- Jared Lander
- Zachary Foster
- Kirill Mueller
- Javier Luraschi
- Ben Baumer
- Martin Modrák
- Jenny Bryan
- Robert Krzyzanowski
- Tim Mastny
- Brian Diggs
- Niels Richard Hansen
- Andre Simon
- Adam Vogt
- Alastair Andrew
- Amar Al-Zubaidi
- Ashley Manton
- Brian Zhang
- Cassio Pereira
- Fabian Hirschmann
- Fitch Simeon
- Gregoire Detrez
- Hodges Daniel
- Jake Burkhead
- James Manton
- Jason Punyon
- Jeff Arnold
- Jeremy Ashkenas
- Jeremy Stephens
- John Honaker
- Johan Toloe
- Kevin K. Smith
- Lucas Gallindo
- Michel Kuhlmann
- Miller Patrick
- Nacho Caballero
- Nick Salkowski
- Obada Mahdi
- Rodrigo Copetti
- Ruaridh Williamson
- Sietse Brouwer
- Simon de Bernard
- Sylvain Rousseau
- Thibaut Assus
- Thibaut Lamadon
- Tom Torsney-Weir
- Trevor Davis
- Viktoras Veitas
- Bhaskar Karambelkar
- Michael Bostock
- Vladimir Agafonkin
- Mapbox
- Kent Johnson
- Daniel Montague
- CloudMade
- Leaflet contributors
- Brandon Copeland
- Joerg Dietrich
- Benjamin Becquet
- Norkart AS
- L. Voogdt
- Kartena AB
- Robert Kajic
- Jeffrey Horner
- Adam November
- Brent Thorne
- Adam Hyde
- Min-Zhong Lu
- Zulko
- Steve Matteson
- Jason Long
- Renyuan Zou
- Michael Rose
- Emily Eisenberg
- Sophie Alpert
- Juan Cruz Rodriguez
- Nicolás Wolovick
- Kent Russell
- Greg Lin
- Tanner Linsley
- Emotion team and other contributors
- Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates
- FormatJS
- Feross Aboukhadijeh, and other contributors
- Roman Shtylman
- James Halliday
- Jonathan Owen
- Enzo Martoglio
- jQuery Foundation
- Inberg Ger
- Warpechowski Marcin
- Handsoncode sp. z o.o.
- Aisch Gregor
- Företagsplatsen
- Draper Adam
- Wood Tim
- Chernev Iskren
- Moment.js contributors
- Bushell David
- Splunk Inc
- Russell Kent
- Rohan Jon
- Greene James
- Hammill Dillon
- Richard Iannone
- Rob Hyndman
- Ruben Arslan
- Malcolm Barrett
- Frederik Aust
- Sergio Oller
- Mark Otto
- Bootstrap contributors
- Twitter, Inc
- John MacFarlane
- Ivan Sagalaev
- Jacob Thornton
- Roy Storey
- Dave Gandy
- jQuery UI contributors
- Google, Inc.
- Jonathan McPherson
- Andrew Dunning
- Devon Ryan
- Alexander Farkas
- Scott Jehl
- Greg Franko
- Dave Raggett
- W3C
- Ben Sperry
- Drifty
- Aidan Lister
- Benct Philip Jonsson
- Albert Krewinkel
- Siqi Zhang
- Russell Goldenberg
- David M. Kaplan
- Carl Boettiger
- Robrecht Cannoodt
- Alessandro Gasparini
- Alex Hayes
- Sebastian Kreutzer
- Randall Pruim
- Tom Palmer
- Shixiang Wang
- Matthias Templ
- Karl Broman
- Oliver Keyes
- Alfredo Hernández
- Greg Macfarlane
- Oğuzhan Öğreden
- Alvaro Uzaheta
- Dominik Leutnant
- Charlotte Wickham
- Marc-Andre Desautels
- Dmytro Perepolkin
- Stefano Coretta
- R Foundation
- Miao Yu
- Association for Computing Machinery
- Jay Hesselberth
- Journal of Statistical Software
- Elsevier
- Taylor and Francis
- Dalton Hance
- Daniel Nüst
- Petter Uvesten
- Duncan Luguern
- Callum Arnold
- Jesse Anderson
- jQuery contributors
- Dennis Lembree
- R Core Team
- Denis Ineshin
- Sami Samhuri
- John Fraser
- Barbara Borges
- Andrew Rowls
- Salmen Bejaoui
- Cathy O'Connor
- John Gruber
- Srinivasu Chakravarthula
- Prem Nawaz Khan
- Alan Dipert
- Stefan Petre
- PayPal, Inc
- Victor Tsaran
- Steven Mortimer
- B. W. Lewis
- Alexey Stukalov
- Three.js authors
- Andreas Briese
- B. Thieurmel
- Kirill Müller
- Ralf Stubner
- Cameron Bracken
- Charlie Sharpsteen
- Nico Bellack
- Ethan Heinzen
- Fernando Cagua
- Dave Liepmann
- Mitchell O'Hara-Wild
- Isabelle Greco
- Francois Guillem
- Nicolas Perriault
- NPR Visual Team
- Bjørn Klinggaard
- Peter Carbonetto
- John Blischak
- Jiaxiang Li
- Michael J. Kane
- Luke Zappia
- Matthew Stephens
- Giorgio Comai
- Pierre Formont
- Anh Tran
- Tim Trice
- Sydney Purdue
- Zaynaib Giwa
- Xiongbing Jin
- Waldir Leoncio
- Claus Thorn Ekstrøm
- Iñaki Ucar
- Patrick Schratz
- Emi Tanaka
- Daniel Anderson
- Michael Wayne Kearney
- Yongfu Liao
- Robert Fromont
- Lucy D'Agostino McGowan
- Nan-Hung Hsieh
- Yue Jiang
- Paul Klemm
- Dawei Lang
- Susan VanderPlas
- Sean Lopp
- Matthew Mark Strasiotto
- Benjie Gillam
- Deo Salil
- John Little
- Joselyn Chávez
- Joseph Casillas
- Ole Petter Bang
- Orlando Olaya Bucaro
- Paul Lemmens
- Silvia Canelon
- Tuo Wang
- Daijiang Li
- Salim Brüggemann
- Gregory R. Warnes
- Charlie Gao
- Michael Quinn
- Shawn P Garbett
- Kirill Simonov
- reikoch
- Brendan O'Connor
- Sahil Seth