Author of 16 CRAN packages
rOpenSci has worked on 16 packages. That's an impressive feat! rOpenSci must have some serious passion for coding. rOpenSci teamed up with 42 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
16 Packages
- charlatanMake Fake Data
- codemetaA Smaller 'codemetar' Package
- codemetarGenerate 'CodeMeta' Metadata for R Packages
- natserv'NatureServe' Interface
- parzerParse Messy Geographic Coordinates
- rgbifInterface to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility API
- riemAccesses Weather Data from the Iowa Environment Mesonet
- ritisIntegrated Taxonomic Information System Client
- rorcidInterface to the '' API
- rredlist'IUCN' Red List Client
- sofaConnector to 'CouchDB'
- solriumGeneral Purpose R Interface to 'Solr'
- spoccInterface to Species Occurrence Data Sources
- tinkrCast '(R)Markdown' Files to 'XML' and Back Again
- vcrRecord 'HTTP' Calls to Disk
- webmockrStubbing and Setting Expectations on 'HTTP' Requests
- Roel M. Hogervorst
- Scott Chamberlain
- Brooke Anderson
- Tristan Mahr
- Kyle Voytovich
- Martin Pedersen
- Carl Boettiger
- Sebastian Kreutzer
- Jeroen Ooms
- Sebastian Meyer
- Maëlle Salmon
- Noam Ross
- Katrin Leinweber
- Arfon Smith
- Michael Rustler
- Hauke Sonnenberg
- Toph Allen
- Thierry Onkelinx
- Anna Krystalli
- Alban Sagouis
- Hiroaki Yutani
- Alec L. Robitaille
- Julien Brun
- Jeffrey Bogan
- Maria Munafó
- Peter Desmet
- John Waller
- Karthik Ram
- Vijay Barve
- Laurens Geffert
- Damiano Oldoni
- Dan Mcglinn
- CHAI Project
- Daryl Herzmann
- William Gearty
- Hannah Owens
- Ted Hart
- Zhian N. Kamvar
- Nick Wellnhofer
- Peter Daengeli
- Aaron Wolen
- Daniel Possenriede