CRAN/E | Guides and Shortcuts


Shortcuts and general usage descriptions


The search bar at the top of the screen takes your input and runs a fuzzy-search against our database of metadata for each package and author.

Fuzzy search means that it provides an experience similar to Google. You can type in a few letters and the search will return results that match your input based on a weighted algorithm.

All results in the grid of packages are sorted by last publication date if no search input is provided. The topmost items are therefore also the most recently published packages. Once you start typing, the results are sorted by relevance. The topmost items are therefore the most relevant to your search input. This is true for both packages and authors.


Focus search :meta: K
Select search inline suggestion Enter
Show the adjacent inline suggestion
Arrow Down Arrow Up

Package detail page

Copy install command :meta: Shift C

On package site

Maintainer and author information is available on each package site. You can click the icon that shows an avatar to reach any maintainer's or author's detail page.

An example illustration below shows how such an element looks like. Simply click the leftmost icon below the email address to reach the author page.


Lukas Schönmann