Forward-in-Time Simulation and Tallying of Pairwise Relationships

CRAN Package

Provides an R wrapper around the program 'spip' (), a C program for the simulation of pedigrees within age-structured populations with user-specified life histories. Also includes a variety of functions to parse 'spip' output to compile information about related pairs amongst simulated, sampled individuals, to assess the feasibility and potential accuracy of close-kin mark-recapture (CKMR). Full documentation and vignettes are mirrored at and can be read online there.

  • Version0.1.3
  • R version≥ 3.5.0
  • LicenseCC0
  • Needs compilation?Yes
  • Last release07/17/2021




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  • Depends1 package
  • Imports15 packages
  • Suggests3 packages
  • Linking To1 package