Matching on Generalized Propensity Scores with Continuous Exposures
Provides a framework for estimating causal effects of a continuous exposure using observational data, and implementing matching and weighting on the generalized propensity score. Wu, X., Mealli, F., Kioumourtzoglou, M.A., Dominici, F. and Braun, D., 2022. Matching on generalized propensity scores with continuous exposures. Journal of the American Statistical Association, pp.1-29.
- Version0.5.0
- R versionunknown
- LicenseGPL-3
- Needs compilation?Yes
- Languageen-US
- CausalGPS citation info
- Last release06/19/2024
Naeem Khoshnevis
Xiao Wu
Danielle Braun
Last 30 days
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