Diffusion Models R Analysis

CRAN Package

The implemented methods are: Standard Bass model, Generalized Bass model (with rectangular shock, exponential shock, and mixed shock. You can choose to add from 1 to 3 shocks), Guseo-Guidolin model and Variable Potential Market model, and UCRCD model. The Bass model consists of a simple differential equation that describes the process of how new products get adopted in a population, the Generalized Bass model is a generalization of the Bass model in which there is a "carrier" function x(t) that allows to change the speed of time sliding. In some real processes the reachable potential of the resource available in a temporal instant may appear to be not constant over time, because of this we use Variable Potential Market model, in which the Guseo-Guidolin has a particular specification for the market function. The UCRCD model (Unbalanced Competition and Regime Change Diachronic) is a diffusion model used to capture the dynamics of the competitive or collaborative transition.




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  • Depends5 packages