
Multiple Testing Procedures with Adaptation for Discrete Tests

CRAN Package

Multiple testing procedures described in the paper Döhler, Durand and Roquain (2018) "New FDR bounds for discrete and heterogeneous tests" . The main procedures of the paper (HSU and HSD), their adaptive counterparts (AHSU and AHSD), and the HBR variant are available and are coded to take as input a set of observed p-values and their discrete support under the null. A function to compute such p-values and supports for Fisher's exact tests is also provided, along with a wrapper allowing to apply discrete procedures directly from contingency tables.

  • Version1.3.7
  • R version≥ 3.00
  • LicenseGPL-3
  • Needs compilation?Yes
  • Last release02/08/2024




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