Combination of Factorial Methods and Cluster Analysis
Some functions of 'ade4' and 'stats' are combined in order to obtain a partition of the rows of a data table, with columns representing variables of scales: quantitative, qualitative or frequency. First, a principal axes method is performed and then, a combination of Ward agglomerative hierarchical classification and K-means is performed, using some of the first coordinates obtained from the previous principal axes method. In order to permit different weights of the elements to be clustered, the function 'kmeansW', programmed in C++, is included. It is a modification of 'kmeans'. Some graphical functions include the option: 'gg=FALSE'. When 'gg=TRUE', they use the 'ggplot2' and 'ggrepel' packages to avoid the super-position of the labels.
- Version1.2.9
- R version≥ 2.10
- LicenseGPL-2
- LicenseGPL-3
- Needs compilation?Yes
- FactoClass citation info
- Last release01/31/2024
Campo Elias Pardo
Mauricio Sadinle
Show author detailsRolesContributorPedro Cesar del Campo
Show author detailsRolesAuthorCamilo Jose Torres
Show author detailsRolesAuthorIvan Diaz
Show author detailsRolesContributorJhonathan Medina
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