Directional Highest Density Regions

CRAN Package

We provide an R tool for computation and nonparametric plug-in estimation of Highest Density Regions (HDRs) and general level sets in the directional setting. Concretely, circular and spherical HDRs can be reconstructed from a data sample following Saavedra-Nieves and Crujeiras (2021) doi:10.1007/s11634-021-00457-4. This library also contains two real datasets in the circular and spherical settings. The first one concerns a problem from animal orientation studies and the second one is related to earthquakes occurrences.

  • Version1.1.3
  • R version≥ 3.5.0
  • LicenseGPL-2
  • Needs compilation?No
  • Last release11/16/2022



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  • Imports5 packages
  • Suggests4 packages