
Inverse Stable Prior for Widely-Used Exponential Models

CRAN Package

Contains functions that allow Bayesian inference on a parameter of some widely-used exponential models. The functions can generate independent samples from the closed-form posterior distribution using the inverse stable prior. Inverse stable is a non-conjugate prior for a parameter of an exponential subclass of discrete and continuous data distributions (e.g. Poisson, exponential, inverse gamma, double exponential (Laplace), half-normal/half-Gaussian, etc.). The prior class provides flexibility in capturing a wide array of prior beliefs (right-skewed and left-skewed) as modulated by a parameter that is bounded in (0,1). The generated samples can be used to simulate the prior and posterior predictive distributions. More details can be found in Cahoy and Sedransk (2019) doi:10.1007/s42519-018-0027-2. The package can also be used as a teaching demo for introductory Bayesian courses.




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  • Imports2 packages