
Calculate and Rectify Moran's I

CRAN Package

Provides a scaling method to obtain a standardized Moran's I measure. Moran's I is a measure for the spatial autocorrelation of a data set, it gives a measure of similarity between data and its surrounding. The range of this value must be [-1,1], but this does not happen in practice. This package scale the Moran's I value and map it into the theoretical range of [-1,1]. Once the Moran's I value is rescaled, it facilitates the comparison between projects, for instance, a researcher can calculate Moran's I in a city in China, with a sample size of n1 and area of interest a1. Another researcher runs a similar experiment in a city in Mexico with different sample size, n2, and an area of interest a2. Due to the differences between the conditions, it is not possible to compare Moran's I in a straightforward way. In this version of the package, the spatial autocorrelation Moran's I is calculated as proposed in Chen(2013) doi:10.48550/arXiv.1606.03658.




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