Multiphase Optimization Strategy

CRAN Package

Provides functions similar to the 'SAS' macros previously provided to accompany Collins, Dziak, and Li (2009) and Dziak, Nahum-Shani, and Collins (2012) , papers which outline practical benefits and challenges of factorial and fractional factorial experiments for scientists interested in developing biological and/or behavioral interventions, especially in the context of the multiphase optimization strategy (see Collins, Kugler & Gwadz 2016) . The package currently contains three functions. First, RelativeCosts1() draws a graph of the relative cost of complete and reduced factorial designs versus other alternatives. Second, RandomAssignmentGenerator() returns a dataframe which contains a list of random numbers that can be used to conveniently assign participants to conditions in an experiment with many conditions. Third, FactorialPowerPlan() estimates the power, detectable effect size, or required sample size of a factorial or fractional factorial experiment, for main effects or interactions, given several possible choices of effect size metric, and allowing pretests and clustering.



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