
Bootstrapping for Propensity Score Analysis

CRAN Package

It is often advantageous to test a hypothesis more than once in the context of propensity score analysis (Rosenbaum, 2012) doi:10.1093/biomet/ass032. The functions in this package facilitate bootstrapping for propensity score analysis (PSA). By default, bootstrapping using two classification tree methods (using 'rpart' and 'ctree' functions), two matching methods (using 'Matching' and 'MatchIt' packages), and stratification with logistic regression. A framework is described for users to implement additional propensity score methods. Visualizations are emphasized for diagnosing balance; exploring the correlation relationships between bootstrap samples and methods; and to summarize results.




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  • Depends2 packages
  • Imports9 packages
  • Suggests2 packages