Rapid Easy Synthesis to Inform Data Extraction
Developed to assist researchers with planning analysis, prior to obtaining data from Trusted Research Environments (TREs) also known as safe havens. With functionality to export and import marginal distributions as well as synthesise data, both with and without correlations from these marginal distributions. Using a multivariate cumulative distribution (COPULA). Additionally the International Stroke Trial (IST) is included as an example dataset under ODC-By licence Sandercock et al. (2011) doi:10.7488/ds/104, Sandercock et al. (2011) doi:10.1186/1745-6215-12-101.
- Version0.3.2
- R version≥ 2.10
- LicenseGPL (≥ 3)
- Needs compilation?No
- Last release10/17/2024
Ryan Field
David McAllister
Claudia Geue
Last 30 days
This package has been downloaded 136 times in the last 30 days. Enough downloads to make a small wave in the niche community. The curiosity is spreading! The following heatmap shows the distribution of downloads per day. Yesterday, it was downloaded 5 times.
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Last 365 days
This package has been downloaded 830 times in the last 365 days. More downloads than an obscure whitepaper, but not enough to bring down any servers. A solid effort! The day with the most downloads was Oct 20, 2024 with 37 downloads.
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- Imports7 packages
- Suggests5 packages