
'Shiny' Applications for the R Package 'Luminescence'

CRAN Package

A collection of 'shiny' applications for the R package 'Luminescence'. These mainly, but not exclusively, include applications for plotting chronometric data from e.g. luminescence or radiocarbon dating. It further provides access to bootstraps tooltip and popover functionality and contains the 'jscolor.js' library with a custom 'shiny' output binding.

  • Version0.2.3
  • R version≥ 4.0
  • LicenseGPL-3
  • Needs compilation?No
  • Last release01/31/2022




Last 30 days

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Last 365 days

The following line graph shows the downloads per day. You can hover over the graph to see the exact number of downloads per day.

Data provided by CRAN



  • Imports11 packages
  • Reverse Imports1 package