'Trial Sequential Analysis' for Error Control and Inference in Sequential Meta-Analyses

CRAN Package

Frequentist sequential meta-analysis based on 'Trial Sequential Analysis' (TSA) in programmed in Java by the Copenhagen Trial Unit (CTU). The primary function is the calculation of group sequential designs for meta-analysis to be used for planning and analysis of both prospective and retrospective sequential meta-analyses to preserve type-I-error control under sequential testing. 'RTSA' includes tools for sample size and trial size calculation for meta-analysis and core meta-analyses methods such as fixed-effect and random-effects models and forest plots. TSA is described in Wetterslev et. al (2008) doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2007.03.013. The methods for deriving the group sequential designs are based on Jennison and Turnbull (1999, ISBN:9780849303166).




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