
Lazy Search in R Packages, Task Views, CRAN, the Web. All-in-One Download

CRAN Package

Search by keywords in R packages, task views, CRAN, the web and display the results in the console or in txt, html or pdf files. Download the package documentation (html index, README, NEWS, pdf manual, vignettes, source code, binaries) with a single instruction. Visualize the package dependencies and CRAN checks. Compare the package versions, unload and install the packages and their dependencies in a safe order. Explore CRAN archives. Use the above functions for task view maintenance. Access web search engines from the console thanks to 80+ bookmarks. All functions accept standard and non-standard evaluation.

  • Version5.2.0
  • R version≥ 3.4.0
  • LicenseGPL-2
  • Needs compilation?No
  • Languageen-GB
  • Last release10/12/2024




Last 30 days

The following line graph shows the downloads per day. You can hover over the graph to see the exact number of downloads per day.

Last 365 days

The following line graph shows the downloads per day. You can hover over the graph to see the exact number of downloads per day.

Data provided by CRAN



  • Imports6 packages
  • Suggests6 packages