Rcmdr Plug-in GUI for Biclustering
A plug-in for R Commander ('Rcmdr'). The package is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) in which several biclustering methods can be executed, followed by diagnostics and plots of the results. Further, the GUI also has the possibility to connect the methods to more general diagnostic packages for biclustering. Biclustering methods from 'biclust', 'fabia', 's4vd', 'iBBiG', 'isa2', 'BiBitR', 'rqubic' and 'BicARE' are implemented. Additionally, 'superbiclust' and 'BcDiag' are also implemented to be able to further investigate results. The GUI also provides a couple of extra utilities to export, save, search through and plot the results. 'RcmdrPlugin.BiclustGUI' also provides a very specific framework for biclustering in which new methods, diagnostics and plots can be added. Scripts were prepared so that R-package developers can freely design their own dialogs in the GUI which can then be added by the maintainer of 'RcmdrPlugin.BiclustGUI'. These scripts do not required any knowledge of 'tcltk' and 'Rcmdr' and are easy to fill in. (Note: rqubic currently requires manual installation through BiocManager::install('rqubic').)
- Version1.1.3.1
- R versionunknown
- LicenseGPL-3
- Needs compilation?No
- Last release05/23/2022
De Troyer Ewoud
Otava Martin
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- Depends5 packages
- Imports3 packages
- Suggests2 packages