
Installing and Loading R Packages for Reproducible Workflows

CRAN Package

A single key function, 'Require' that makes rerun-tolerant versions of 'install.packages' and 'require' for CRAN packages, packages no longer on CRAN (i.e., archived), specific versions of packages, and GitHub packages. This approach is developed to create reproducible workflows that are flexible and fast enough to use while in development stages, while able to build snapshots once a stable package collection is found. As with other functions in a reproducible workflow, this package emphasizes functions that return the same result whether it is the first or subsequent times running the function, with subsequent times being sufficiently fast that they can be run every time without undue waiting burden on the user or developer.

  • Version1.0.1
  • R versionunknown
  • LicenseGPL-3
  • Needs compilation?No
  • Languageen-CA
  • Last release08/17/2024




Last 30 days

Last 365 days

The following line graph shows the downloads per day. You can hover over the graph to see the exact number of downloads per day.

Data provided by CRAN



  • Imports2 packages
  • Suggests17 packages
  • Reverse Imports1 package