
Design and Analyze Studies using the Sequential Parallel Comparison Design

CRAN Package

Programs to find the sample size or power of studies using the Sequential Parallel Comparison Design (SPCD) and programs to analyze such studies. This is a clinical trial design where patients initially on placebo who did not respond are re-randomized between placebo and active drug in a second phase and the results of the two phases are pooled. The method of analyzing binary data with this design is described in Fava,Evins, Dorer and Schoenfeld(2003) doi:10.1159/000069738, and the method of analyzing continuous data is described in Chen, Yang, Hung and Wang (2011) doi:10.1016/j.cct.2011.04.006.

  • Version0.1.0
  • R versionunknown
  • LicenseUnlimited
  • Needs compilation?No
  • Last release03/12/2019



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  • Depends3 packages