
Stochastic Blockmodeling of One-Mode and Linked Networks

CRAN Package

Stochastic blockmodeling of one-mode and linked networks as implemented in Škulj and Žiberna (2022) doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2022.02.001. The optimization is done via CEM (Classification Expectation Maximization) algorithm that can be initialized by random partitions or the results of k-means algorithm. The development of this package is financially supported by the Slovenian Research Agency ( within the research programs P5-0168 and the research projects J7-8279 (Blockmodeling multilevel and temporal networks) and J5-2557 (Comparison and evaluation of different approaches to blockmodeling dynamic networks by simulations with application to Slovenian co-authorship networks).




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  • Imports5 packages
  • Linking To2 packages